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Writer's pictureGrinto Davy

Vitamins and Supplements You Need for Better Thyroid Health

If you live with a condition known as hypothyroidism, then chances are that you’re experiencing a wide range of symptoms. These include weight gain, fatigue, and digestive issues.

Getting on a healthy diet and taking vitamin and mineral supplements can help maintain a healthy thyroid. However, before you take these, it's important to know where your thyroid levels are and what nutrients are affecting them.

Without looking at these key measures, it’s common to hear from your doctor that your thyroid is fine, even if you still feel wonky,

If you live with a condition known as hypothyroidism, then chances are that you’re experiencing a wide range of symptoms. These include weight gain, fatigue, and digestive issues.

Getting on a healthy diet and taking vitamin and mineral supplements can help maintain a healthy thyroid. However, before you take these, it's important to know where your thyroid levels are and what nutrients are affecting them.

Conventional medicine typically screens for the function of your thyroid gland by looking at its main lab value, which is called your TSH. But this doesn't give a full picture of your overall health.

Although you can have normal thyroid levels, if yours doesn’t convert to thyroid hormone, then you might be at risk for developing hypothyroidism.

The brain's pituitary gland tells the thyroid how much hormone it should produce. This thyroid hormone is known as T4, but your body needs to convert T4 into T3, which is the active form of the hormone, The function of this gland is to tell the body how much of the hormone it should use.

Your body can still make enough T3 if it has the proper nutrients. But it won’t be as effective as it should be if it doesn’t have the proper minerals and vitamins.

Individuals with autoimmune diseases or hypothyroidism may miss some nutrients that their bodies need to convert. This deficiency can affect the conversion of nutrients into energy. You may miss vital nutrients that your thyroid needs. This could be because of a gut-related issue or a food restriction.

Although supplements can help fill nutritional gaps, they can also help nourish the body by supplying key nutrients that are important for a healthy and balanced diet. For instance, a thyroid balance supplement can help improve the function of the thyroid gland.

Aside from being able to improve your nutrient status, other factors such as your gut health can also affect your thyroid hormone levels.

If your doctor determines that your thyroid health is being affected by your nutrient levels, here are some of the most important vitamins you should be focusing on.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is needed for T4 synthesis. It helps regulate T4 metabolism, but it can also inhibit TSH so that the TSH isn’t high.

According to a study conducted in 2012, taking a vitamin A supplement may help prevent the development of hypothyroidism, which occurs during pregnancy and early infancy.

While vitamin A can help with the function of the thyroid, it can also be found in a variety

of healthy and appetizing foods like sweet potato, spinach, carrots, mangoes, and liver.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D can help improve the level of the thyroid hormone, which is associated with autoimmune hypothyroidism. A 2019 study revealed that patients with autoimmune hypothyroidism who had vitamin D deficiencies exhibited higher anti-TPO levels.

The TPO enzyme is an enzyme that helps in the production of the hormone thyroid, according to Myoclinic. If you suspect having a condition that affects the function of the thyroid gland, your doctor may order a TPO test.

Eggs, fish, and mushrooms are high in vitamin D. Getting enough of this is as simple as being out in the sun for 10 to 20 minutes. Also, recommend a Vitamin D3/K2 Supplement.

B Vitamins

B vitamins have a variety of interactions with the thyroid gland and hormone regulation. It is important that these nutrients are methylated so that they can support detoxification and minimize the effects of the MTHFR mutation. Those with the MTHFR mutation might find it harder to digest and process nutrients into active minerals.

Foods rich in B vitamins are liver, fish, egg, chicken, meat, avocado, brown rice, mushrooms & potato

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that can help lower the risk of various diseases. It is believed that around 90% of people do not get enough of this vital nutrient.


Iodine has been shown to improve the levels of TSH in people with hypothyroidism. It’s important to make sure that the iodine in your diet is balanced because too much iodine can cause hypothyroidism.

Overexposure to iodine can cause hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism in people with existing thyroid conditions or who are at considerable risk for them, according to a review published in October 2012.

Iodine is a nutrient that can be found in various forms of food, such as kelp flakes, seafood, and kale. It’s also used to maintain a healthy thyroid.


Zinc has been shown to protect the thyroid against low-level radiation and improve its function in those with overweight & hypothyroidism. Foods rich in Zinc are Meat, Shellfish,

legumes, nuts, seeds & eggs.


Aside from zinc and selenium, iron is also necessary for the proper function of T3. You can get it from various sources such as liver, eggs, and beef.

People suffering from Hashimoto’s thyroiditis are at higher risk of being iron deficient. This study found that this condition can affect their ability to absorb iron.


Selenium helps the body make the optimal amount of thyroid hormone. It is difficult to get by from diet alone. It’s rich in Brazil nuts, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, pork, beef, sunflower seeds, spinach, yoghurt, and mushrooms.

If you have a thyroid condition and if you are living with overweight or obesity and related issues or just want to make sure your thyroid health is in order, talk to us, before considering taking any thyroid supplements or going for a readymade diet plan to ensure that they're doing the right thing for your health. We can help you get the right balance between the nutrients and hormones needed to maintain a healthy thyroid.

Healthy Regards

Grinto Davy Chirakekkaren

Orthopaedic Physiotherapist

Clinical Nutritionist

Health & Wellness Coach




The effect of vitamin A supplementation on thyroid function in premenopausal women

Vitamin D supplementation reduces thyroid peroxidase antibody levels in patients with autoimmune thyroid disease: An open-labeled randomized controlled trial

Influence of selenium supplements on the post-traumatic alterations of the thyroid axis: a placebo-controlled trial

The impact of iron and selenium deficiencies on iodine and thyroid metabolism: biochemistry and relevance to public health

Thyroid Hormone Indices in Computer Workers with Emphasis on the Role of Zinc Supplementation

Role of iodine, selenium and other micronutrients in thyroid function and disorders

Millions of people may need more vitamin E


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